Elihu Duayer

Elihu Duayer


  “I started publishing my works at the end of the 70s in the tourism newspaper “Partir”, in the magazine “Ficção”, “Visão (SP)”, “O Pasquim” and in the supplement “O Pingente”. In 1978 I traveled to France. There I published my work in the newspaper "Libération" and in "The Center Report" of Kenya. Returning to Brazil in 1982, I was introduced by Guidacci at the Creatures II exhibition at Funarte. As a freelance I illustrated and published cartoons in the extinct publishing house "Vecchi", magazine "Mad" and "Spectro". I also published my work in the magazine “Status Humor”, “Ovelha Negra do Geandré” and in the house organ of Banco Nacional, Jornal do Guarda Chuva. I also illustrated the book DIDÓ by Sônia Hirsh and in 2005 I collaborated as a cartoonist in the “Caderno B del Jornal do Brasil”. Currently I make comics for the site www.cigarro.med.br, Cartoon Movement - Netherlands, for the online magazine “Satira Opinion” - Spain, textbooks and children's books. I have several Honorable Mentions at the XVII Diógenes Taborda International Mercosur Salon - Argentina and I won the third prize International Day Against Impunity - Editorial Cartoon Contest - 2012, the Honorable Mention - 1st International Cartoon Biennial - 2013 and the Honorable Mention - OSTEN World Gallery of Cartoons – 2013”.
