Political Cartoons: A Visual Commentary on Society

Political Cartoons: A Visual Commentary on Society Political cartoons are a unique form of visual communication that offer commen ...

Are artificial intelligence and human intelligence comparable?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is disrupting the world as we know it. It is permeating every part of our lives, with more or less d ...

The contribution of artificial intelligence to art

Contemporary art is a constantly evolving field that encompasses a wide range of media, techniques and themes. In recent years, a ...

Art changes the world

It inspires, provokes and instigates us to act. So much so that it received almost as much attention at SXSW 2022 as the metavers ...

Urban art as a vector for transforming space

Urban art is a manifestation made in the urban environment without the intention of vandalism. It is an art that has a direct rel ...

Types of Urban Art

Graffiti: without a doubt, the most popular manifestation of street art is graffiti. These are stylized drawings generally made w ...


Art with artificial intelligence is changing the art world, from creating new works to restoring and preserving old pieces. This ...

The impact of artificial intelligence on art

The impact of artificial intelligence on art Through creative borders In the mixture between human creativity and technological ...

What is art history and where does it go? II

History: Making sense of the past Like definitions of art and beauty, concepts about history have changed over time. It may seem ...

¿Qué es la historia del arte y hacia dónde va?

La historia del arte puede parecer un concepto relativamente simple: “arte” e “historia” son materias que la mayoría de nosotros ...

Importance of graphic design in society

Not everyone is aware of the importance that design has in society, not everyone understands the work that a designer performs. ...

History of graphic art in Mexico

Graphic art in Mexico has a rich and diverse history that ranges from pre-Columbian traditions to global contemporary influences. ...

Can artificial intelligence really create art?

Klaus Mitteldorf, Brazilian artist of German and Swedish descent, internationally recognized for his transdisciplinary work, help ...

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