9 Latino painters and their great contributions to art history

9 Latino painters and their great contributions to art history

Countries such as Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Colombia and many others were great breeding grounds for Latino painters. These regions were the birthplace of talented and creative personalities, who contributed to the history of art worldwide.

To know the names of the main Latin American painters and check out their great paintings, just read this post until the end!
5 Latino Painters of the 20th Century and Their Major Works Carlos Maria Herrera (1874-1914)

With a lot of technique and a high mastery of colors, Carlos Maria Herrera was one of the main references of the 20th century for portraying historical personalities and, mainly, for representing women and children, as few others had done until then.

He is also considered one of the pioneers of Uruguayan modernism. In addition, his canvases are acclaimed to this day, and a good part of them can be seen in the main museums in the region.

The painting “Resting” is one of his best-known works.

Diego Rivera (1886-1957)

Diego Rivera was not only one of the greatest Latin painters in history, but also one of the most famous muralists of all time.

Early in his career, the Mexican created pieces based on the formality of academic art. However, it didn't take long for him to awaken to avant-garde art and, thus, to develop canvases with strong expressionist and cubist characteristics.

Diego Rivera became known for exploring, like few others, social and political themes, and also for portraying Latin American culture like no one else.

From 1935, the work “Carregador de Flores” draws attention for its wealth of details and symbolism.

Xul Solar (1887-1963)

Considered by many to be the biggest name in the plastic arts in Argentina, Xul Solar was also an architect and a great scholar of languages.

With an aesthetic clearly influenced by Cubism, Surrealism and Futurism, the Argentine never stuck to a single current, as his canvases also brought elements of Fauvism and Expressionism.

However, most of the painter's works are known for their surrealist style. However, some experts and art critics claim that his work flirts more with the fantastic genre.

From 1936, “Vuell Villa” is one of his most iconic works.

Carybe (1911-1997)

Another name that could never fail to be missing from this list of Latin painters is that of the “Argentinean with a Bahian soul” Carybé.

Creative, humorous and provocative, the artist made his name by portraying the plurality of Bahia, through the painting of its rituals and elements of the region's culture, such as capoeira.

In addition to being a painter, Carybé was an engraver, sculptor and muralist. With pieces more focused on figurative aesthetics, his works enchant with their casualness and lightness, as you can see in the example below.

Laart has other incredible works by this great artist. Click here and check it out!
Jesus Rafael Soto (1923-2005)

Experimental, curious and with a unique ability, Jesús Rafael Soto was a Venezuelan artist whose work focused on kinetic art.

As such, he created installations, paintings, and sculptures that featured colors, shapes, and overlaps that wowed his viewers and seemed to dance before their eyes.

This is the case of “Kinetic Serigrafia”, the print below that you can also find at Laart.

Enjoy and get to know other pieces by this great artist here.
2 Latina painters and their most forceful canvases
Tarsila do Amaral (1886-1973)

In this special selection of Latin painters, the name of one of the most acclaimed Brazilian artists of all time could never be missing: Tarsila do Amaral.

Considered one of the key pieces of modern art, it broke barriers by publicizing and promoting the anthropophagic movement. Through this avant-garde style, she sought to assimilate world cultural elements, swallow them and recreate them by inserting national characteristics.

Her pieces are known for bringing explosions of color, asymmetrical and exaggerated dimensions, and for presenting social themes from Brazil.

One of the best known is the iconic “Abaporu”.

Frida Kahlo (1907-1954)

Mexican Frida Kahlo practically needs no introduction, right? But did you know that her work only became better known from the 1970s onwards? In addition, she became world famous not only as a great painter, but as an icon of the feminist and LGBT movements in the 1990s.

With a predominantly surrealist aesthetic, Frida Kahlo's canvases mainly bring out the indigenous traditions of the Mexican people and are also famous for representing women and their struggle.

She was also highly applauded for her self-portraits, as is the case of “Pensando na Morte”, from 1943.

2 Contemporary Latino painters and their best-known works
Fernando Botero (1932)

Fernando Botero is a Colombian plastic artist whose figurative aesthetic is unmistakable, as he presents a unique identity that brings plump figures and formats.

Not only did he manage to be one of the main artists of the 20th century, but he is now, at almost 90 years old, one of the great names in contemporary art.

His 2001 piece “Bather on the Beach” explains a little bit why Francisco Botero is one of the most famous Latino painters in the history of art.

Bird (1952)

Another name that has been successful in the Latin art scene is that of the Venezuelan painter Pájaro. Known for bringing questions such as mysteries of the mind and enigmas of spirits to her canvases, this artist's aesthetic mixes elements of figurativism with aspects of surrealism.

One of his most famous canvases is “Jardín Bajo La Luz De La Luna”.
We hope you enjoyed this special list of painters from Latin America!
