Kambiz Derambakhsh

Kambiz Derambakhsh


He was born in 1942 in Shiraz, Iran. Kambiz Derambakhsh, studied fine arts in Tehran and has published his drawings and caricatures in many renowned local and international newspapers and magazines for over 58 years. She has won grand prizes and gold medals from exhibitions in Japan, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, Turkey, Brazil, Yugoslavia and so on. Kambiz has also been a juror at several international cartoon exhibitions, organized up to 50 solo and group exhibitions in Iran and abroad and has taught the art of cartooning, including at the University of Tehran. Many cultural and artistic centers, art galleries and museums around the world have purchased his works for display, the Basel Cartoon Museum in Switzerland, the Gabrovo Cartoon House in Bulgaria, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Tehran, the Academy of Arts, the National Library, the Saba House, the Iranian Graphics Union, the Avignon Museum, the Warsaw Cartoon Museum and the Municipality of Frankfurt. Kambiz Derambakhsh has published numerous books on illustration and cartooning in Iran and abroad. Among many we can remember: “No comments”, “Diaries of angels”, “The book of Kambiz” (Italy), “Book of contemporary satirists” (Iran and Italy), “Laughter Olympics”, “If Davinci had seen”, “Scratch Symphony”, “Don't pay attention to the ants at work” and some books in progress.
