Michel Bouvet

Michel Bouvet


– 1955. Born in Tunis, Tunisia. – 1974. Travels alone to USA, Canada and Mexico. – 1977. Travels to Prague where he takes pictures and has the revelation of his future profession of poster artist. – 1978. Graduated (painting section) from the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts of Paris. – 1981 to 1993. Graphic designer at the Maison de la Culture de Créteil. – 1982. Creation of the poster for the Miles Davis concert in Paris. – 1985. Creation of the visual communication of the Centre national des arts du cirque in Châlons-en-Champagne, the city of Montluçons and the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts de la Mationnette. – 1987. Grand Prix for a Cultural Poster, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris. Creation of the logotype and the poster for the Fête de la Musique (The Music Day). Many awards at the Art Directors Club of New York, USA. – 1988. State commission for the Bicentenary of the French Revolution poster. Awarded at the International Poster Biennial in Warsaw (Poland) and at the International Biennial of Graphic Arts in Brno (Czechoslovakia). – 1989 until today. Has more than 100 one-man shows in France and 35 countries, notably in Tokyo, Montreal, Amsterdam, Mexico, Warsaw, Johannesburg, Madrid, Istanbul, New Delhi, Copenhagen, Chicago or Buenos Aires. – 1990. Foundation of Atelier Michel Bouvet. Asks the philosopher Jean-François Lyotard to write the preface of the catalogue of the exhibition « Vive les graphistes » at the Centre Pompidou in Paris.  – 1991. Creation of the visual communication of the music festival Le Printemps de Bourges and the Maison de la Culture in Bourges. – 1992. Grand Prix for a Cultural Poster, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris. Becomes president of the Syndicat National des Graphistes. Beginning of the collaboration with the Gémeaux, Scène Nationale de Sceaux, France and the Treize Vents/National Dramatic Center of Montpellier. – 1993. Creation of the cover for the graphic design magazine Idea, Japan. Important portfolio in the magazine Graphis, Zürich, New York. Beginning of the collaboration with the Opéra de Massy, France. – 1994 until today. Jury member of the international poster biennials in Mexico, Warsaw, Brno, Chaumont, Toyama, Bogota, Sofia, Chicago, Taïwan, La Paz, Budapest, Skopje, Ljubljana, Hangzhou and Berlin. – 1996. Succeeds to Roman Cieslewicz to teach the art of poster at ESAG/Penninghen, Paris. Leads until now many workhops around the world. – 1997. First Prize at the International Poster Biennial of Fort-Collins, USA. Prize winner of the international competition for the renovation of the Musée des Arts et Métiers (Signage and visual identity), Paris. Becomes member of the Alliance Graphique Internationale (AGI). – 2000. Golden Bee Medal at the International Poster Biennial in Moscow, Russia. Curator of the exhibition « Graphic Designers Around the World » at the Mois du graphisme d’Échirolles, France (book published by the éditions Textuel). Prize winner of the competition of the signage for the Musée de Bretagne, Les Champs Libres, Rennes, France. – 2000 to 2018. Curator of the exhibitions of the Mois du graphisme d’Échirolles (France). – 2001. First Prize at the International Theatre Posters Biennial in Rzeszow, Poland. – 2002 to 2014. Creation of all the visual communication of the photography festival the Rencontres d’Arles, France. – 2003. Silver medal at the International Triennal of Posters in Toyama, Japan. Curator of the exhibition « The Pocket Book is 50 Years Old » at the Centre Pompidou, Paris. – 2004. Publication of the book Michel Bouvet. Affiches, esquisses et autres voyages at the éditions Textuel for his one man show at the Galerie Anatome in Paris. Jan Lenica Prize at the International Poster Biennial of Warsow, Poland. – 2005. Succeeds to Peter Knapp as president of the Rencontres de Lure devoted to typography. Teaches until today at the IUP d’Arles, Université d’Aix-Marseille. Publication of the book Vision of design. Michel Bouvet at the publishing house Page One (Berlin, Shanghai, Singapour). – 2006. Alphonse Mucha Prize at the International Biennial of Graphic Arts in Brno (Czech Republic). – 2008. Beginning of the collaboration with La Pépinière théâtre, Paris. – 2010. General curator of the XX Birthday of the Mois du graphisme d’Échirolles (France). – 2011. One man shows at the Atelier de Maintenance, Parc des Ateliers and in the Abbey of Montmajour included in the photography festival The Rencontres d’Arles, France. – 2012. Golden Bee Medal at the International Poster Biennial in Moscow, Russia. Beginning of the collaboration with the Friche de la Belle de Mai, Marseilles. – 2014, 2015, 2016. Founder and general curator of the Fête du graphisme in many places in Paris : Les Docks/Cité de la mode et du design, La Gaité Lyrique, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, MK2 Bibliothèque, Cité Internationale des Arts, esplanade of the Champs-Élysées (books published by Textuel and Editions du Limonaire). – 2015. Cofounder and art director of the Éditions du Limonaire, a publishing house specialized in graphic design. Beginning of the collaboration with the Festival Photo La Gacilly in Brittany, France. Publication of Paris par/by Michel Bouvet a ten languages alphabet book published by Parigramme. – 2016. First Prize at the International Theatre Posters Biennial in Sofia, Bulgaria. – 2017, 2018. Curator of the exhibition « Pop Music. 1967-2017. Graphic Design & Music » at the Centre du graphisme d’Échirolles and at the Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris. International campaign for the Wine Fair of Monoprix. – 2019. Leaves Penninghen and teaches now poster art at EPSAA, the Graphic Design School of the City of Paris. Publication of the monograph Affichiste ! Les aventures de Michel Bouvet at the publishing house Alternatives/Gallimard. Co-curator of the exhibition « Fiesta Gráfica. Michel Bouvet and his Friends from Latin America » at the Maison de l’Amérique Latine in Paris (book published by the Editions du Limonaire). – 2020. Invited to participate in Picto Collection for the 70th anniversary of Picto (parisian professional photographic laboratory), gathering the artwork of 70 photographers. Creation of the poster « We Love Trees » for the Yves Rocher Foundation. – 2021. Publication of the book La Friche à l’affiche published by La Friche la Belle de Mai in Marseilles. Participation in the exhibition « Sur les quais » in the Parisian metro at the initiative of MAD, Musée des Arts Décoratifs de Paris. Honorable mention at the International Poster Biennial in Mexico City. Invited to the international tribute to Milton Glaser by the biennial posters of Fort Collins (USA), La Paz (Bolivia), Moscow (Russia) and Buenos Aires (Argentina). – 2022. Exhibition « Michel Bouvet. Plakaty dla teatru Les Gémeaux » at Koszalin Museum, Poland (book published by the National Museum in Poznań, Poland). Publication « Un Manuel du graphiste. Avec plus de 60 invité.e.s du monde entier » written with Fanny Laffitte, by the éditions Eyrolles. Co-curator of the exhibition « Vive le graphisme ! » at 55 space of Librairie Eyrolles in Paris. Co-organizer of « Une Nuit Blanche du Graphisme » in the framework of the Nuit Blanche in Paris. First Prize at the International Theatre Posters Biennial in Sofia, Bulgaria. Artistic director of the GraphicPécs 2022 Festival and co-curator of the exhibition « Posters from around the world », Pécs (Hungary).  – 2023. Exhibition « L’Opéra à l’affiche. Michel Bouvet, 30 years of complicity with the Opéra de Massy », Opéra de Massy, France. Lectures at Université Paris-Saclay, IUT de Sceaux (France). The posters of Michel Bouvet are in the permanent collections of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Bibliothèque Forney, Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris, of the DNP Foundation and the Suntory Museum in Tokyo (Japan), of The National Museum in Poznan (Poland) and the Casa Cartel in San Luis Potosi (Mexico).
