International cartoon contest boycott genocide - 2024
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International cartoon contest boycott genocide - 2024

International Cartoon Contest boycott Genocide -2024


Condemning the Israeli Regime's Participation in the Paris 2024 Olympics: The participation of the Israeli regime's sports team in the Paris 2024 Olympics legitimizes its crimes and occupation. It is imperative to prevent this team's participation in this global sporting event using all peaceful and diplomatic means, including sports boycotts.

Denying the Israeli Regime's Genocide and Racism: The Israeli regime has committed a horrific crime of genocide through its apartheid and racial discrimination policies against the Palestinian people. Denying this blatant truth is a double injustice to the oppressed Palestinian people. The international community must unequivocally condemn this crime and take action to stop it.

Criticizing America's Double Standards on Palestine: While claiming to support peace and Palestinian rights, the United States simultaneously participates in the Israeli regime's crimes by sending weapons and providing political support. This blatant contradiction and double standards violate justice and human rights and must be strongly criticized.


• Each participant can submit a maximum of five works.

• Submitted works must not have previously won prizes.

• Cartoons and caricatures must be submitted in png or jpg format with a resolution of 300dpi and a length or width of 3000 pixels.

• Artists must submit their name, surname, postal address, email address, phone number, photo, and work history in a word file.

• A catalog will be presented to artists whose works reach the finals. A PDF electronic file of the catalog will be sent to all participants.

• Works can be submitted by email.

• Please use the following hashtag when sharing your artwork on social media: #OlympicsAgainstGenocide


• First Place: $2000 along with a gold medal and certificate of appreciation

• Second Place: $1500 along with a silver medal and certificate of appreciation

• Third Place: $1000 along with a bronze medal and certificate of appreciation

• Two $500 Special Prizes along with a certificate of appreciation

Deadline Extension:

July 16, 2024

Email Address for Submitting Works:
