7 Brazilian artists of modern art

7 Brazilian artists of modern art

Do you appreciate works by artists like Tarsila do Amaral?
Meet 7 Brazilian artists of modern art.

The modernist movement, generically called modernism, was a set of artistic schools and styles that spanned the first half of the 20th century. Its predominant characteristics are the cultural fields, literature, architecture, design, painting, sculpture, theater and modern music.


The artists' main objective was to break with the old, the traditional, which bothered them, so they sought a new form of expression, using different resources such as bright colors, non-classical configurations for the figures, cubes and scenes whose spatiality was not a representation of reality.
The movement gained strength and became known through the Modern Art Week, in 1922 at the São Paulo municipal theater, where artists presented a new form of expression to the public.

1- Tarsila do Amaral 1886-1973, Capivari, São Paulo.

Tarsila do Amaral was a Brazilian painter, designer, translator and one of the main figures of the first phase of modernism in Brazil, alongside Anita Malfatti.
Currently, she is one of the main references of painting and the modernist movement in Brazil.
She introduced cubism to Brazil in 1922 with its geometric shapes presented, most often, by cubes and cylinders.

2- Anita Malfatti, 1889-1964, São Paulo, São Paulo.

Brazilian painter, draftsman, engraver and teacher, her most controversial exhibition was in 1917, being a milestone for the renewal of plastic arts in Brazil.
It was when the writer Monteiro Lobato criticized Anita Malfatti's expressionist exhibition that the spark for the modernist movement in Brazil began.
Some of her works became classics in the modernist movement.

3- Di Cavalcanti, 1897-1976, Rio de Janeiro.

Di Cavalcante was a Brazilian painter, draftsman, illustrator, muralist and caricaturist. His art is characterized by vibrant colors, sinuous shapes and typically Brazilian themes such as carnival.
The artist is one of the main and most illustrious representatives of Brazilian modernism.

4- Inácio da Costa Ferreira, 1892-1958, Rio Claro, São Paulo.

Ferrignac, as he is better known, was a Brazilian lawyer, illustrator, designer, caricaturist and writer.
His drawings and caricatures were marked by humor and portrayed cultural aspects of the period in which he lived.
He had a great influence on modern art week.

5- Oswaldo Goeldi, 1895-1961, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro.

One of the great names of Brazilian modernism, Goeldi was an engraver, draftsman, illustrator and teacher. At the age of one he moved with his family to Belém do Pará, where they lived until 1905, when they went to Switzerland.
Most of his works show people, with emphasis on feelings and expressions.

6-, 1894-1955, São Paulo.

One of the most important artists, Vitor Brecheret was an Italian-Brazilian sculptor responsible for introducing modernism into Brazilian sculpture.
Brecheret combines modernist European sculptural techniques with references to his country of origin through human form and visual motifs, taken from Brazilian art.

7- Ismael Nery, 1900-1934, Rio de Janeiro

Ismael Nery was a Brazilian painter with surrealist influence in the 1920s. He died at the age of 34, from tuberculosis. His works were recognized after his death.
Nery's paintings were permeated by expressionism and had a strong Catholic influence, being dreamlike and surreal.