The Anthropocene' by the artist Laime seeks to conquer Paris

The Anthropocene' by the artist Laime seeks to conquer Paris

He will exhibit 11 paintings at the Artivistas gallery, promoter of Latin American art

The Bolivian artist Cristian Laime seeks to conquer Paris, France, with his exhibition “The Anthropocene”, an artistic exhibition that opens on Thursday the 11th and will be in the Old World for three months.

The exhibition in the Artivistas gallery will show his oil paintings on canvas that link tradition and postmodernity and reveal the influence of themes such as pollution and the environment.

The Anthropocene
“The Anthropocene talks about us being a generation of different biological stages of life that have transformed our climate. In this case, the human being becomes a kind of ecosystem transformer (but) still has the opportunity to change the ecosystem for the common good,” Laime reflected in an interview with La Razón.

For the artist, this exhibition is the first in Europe. He indicated that getting to participate in this part of the world was “a dream” since he was young. “Arriving at this place that is the generator of so many avant-garde and artistic manifestations in previous centuries, is a dream (for any artist) and I believe that it continues to be a cultural axis.”

He recalled that this exhibition is thanks to the work he did with an art curator, who communicated with those from the gallery and between the three of them the project was born.

“About the gallery, it is a new one that is committed to Latin American art where artists from Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil and now it is Bolivia's turn exhibit,” he mentioned.

He added that "already having a new opportunity in Paris, he aspires to reach Germany and other countries that promote the theme of painting and art in order to make the work done in Bolivia more known."

The plastic artist indicated that arriving in Paris was a “very hard” job, since as a painter it is not so easy to have these spaces to promote yourself.

“It has been a very difficult job to make myself known in terms of galleries and have people recognize the work I do. I think that social networks and some other means of publication gave me the opportunity to make myself known internationally, both in New York, (United States) and Paris (France).”

Regarding the artistic influence, Laime said that at first he did not have a close influence, but in recent years he found the opportunity to meet the teacher Gastón Ugalde, who died in October 2023, who influenced his work in some way. .

“In these last 10 years I have had that influence in terms of dealing with more conceptual themes, and that painting is not only landscapes or pretty figures, but behind them they have a deeper concept that can communicate and transform society. ”.

He added that at the age of 10, drawings and watercolor paintings were his hobby and a very natural need. “No one imposed it on me, nor did I have any close influence. Already in school I was characterized by this facet, as the one who drew and painted, so when I finished high school I was clear that this was my vocation,” he stated.

Regarding the technique he uses, he pointed out that it is a very old and academic one, oil on canvas, which is one of the noblest ways to represent an idea, a concept, and in his case one of the best to express oneself.

Laime, born in Puerto Carabuco, a lake area of Lake Titicaca, in La Paz, studied at the Hernando Siles National Academy of Fine Arts and at the Public University of El Alto (UPEA).

He is the winner of several awards, including the Grand Prize at the Pedro Domingo Murillo Hall, in 2018, with the work “National Anthem, General Choir”, a painting that refers to social conflicts.

Among his achievements are also, in 2012, in the Eduardo Abaroa national competition, in the Painting category, with the work “Siglo de injustice”. In 2010 the “ANBA” show and the same year the Young Art competition at the NOTA gallery and the Italian Embassy.

He participated twice in exhibitions in the United States, the first in the Triennial of Latin American Art in New York, in 2022, forming the delegation that represented Bolivia.