The jury statement of the Iran-Brazil Friendship Festival 2023

The jury statement of the Iran-Brazil Friendship Festival 2023

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Considering the brilliant history of interaction with Brazilian artists and considering the wealth and scientific and artistic power of Iran as a country that currently plays an effective role in the field of cartooning and caricature in the world, the plan for holding an international cartoon competition was examined , caricature and poster of friendship between Iran and Brazil.
In this sense, with the participation of the Iran Cartoon International Center, the Brazil Cartoon website, under the responsibility of Marcio Leite, and Publicações Farol, conditions were created to hold an exhibition and international competition for cartoons, caricatures and posters on Iran-Iran friendship. Brazil in Iran and Brazil.
In the first step, two prominent Brazilian artists, Mr. Gilmar and Edra Amorim, were invited to Iran to evaluate and carry out this great international event, so that we can benefit from the opinions of these two artists in the formation of this artistic event.

Gilmar, as an independent artist and international juror, occupies a special position in this field of art in Brazil, and Adra Amorim, in addition to being a famous cartoonist in Brazil, also has valuable experience as an official at the Caratinga international competition.
In this competition, due to the capabilities of cartoons, caricatures and posters as a language understandable to everyone in the world, we decided to present the call for this competition at an international level.
The sections and themes of this call were presented in cartoon sections and posters with the theme of Resistance and Resistance to Racism. And in the caricatures section, the faces of two Brazilian football stars were considered, namely Pelé and Vinicius Jr.
Pelé is considered one of the greatest players of all time, voted "the best" by FIFA, and is considered one of the most popular and successful sports figures of the 20th century.
Vinicius Jr., Real Madrid's Brazilian star, was also the target of caricature for enduring racist insults from the public in the game against Valencia in La Liga.
At this great event, we saw the presence of many cartoonists from all over the world, which showed that they paid special attention to the theme and title of the competition.
In this competition we saw the participation of enthusiastic artists and intellectuals from forty-five countries around the world. According to the title of the competition, that is, friendship between Iran and Brazil, the main competition between these two countries was formed with the largest participation, among which Iranian artists with the presence of 145 people and Brazil with 94 professional artists. Furthermore, artists from China with 18 people and Turkey with 10 people were in the next rows.
The Works received by the secretariat were analyzed and judged by the competition's judges, made up of two arbitration teams, Messrs. Marcio Leite, Gilmar and Adra Amorim from Brazil and Masoud Najabati and Masoud Shujaei Tabatabai from Iran.
When judging the works, paying attention to the themes and technical points, we saw different ways of presenting the works in this competition, which doubled the ability to express the concept by using the element of humor in the cartoon and caricature sections.
The judges of the Iran-Brazil Friendship International Cartoon, Caricatures and Poster Competition, while thanking all the participating artists from Iran and Brazil and around the world and their commendable role in creating original and attractive images and Considering the exceptional values of almost six hundred and fifty works entered by 355 artists from 45 countries, the winners were announced as follows.


Cartoon Category:

1st place: a Persian rug, the competition trophy and a certificate of honor.
Roberto Castillo Rodriguez-Cuba 

2nd place: 7,000 reais and a certificate of honor.
Hesam Paashai-Iran

Audience Award: a Persian rug and a certificate of honor.
Mahmood Nazari-Iran

Special Prize: Persian crafts and a certificate of honor.
Ulisses Araujo-Brazil


Alireza Pakdel-Iran (Finalist)

Izabela Kowalska Wieczorek-Polabnd (finalist)

Bagher Hemati-Iran (finalist)

Omid Salami-Iran(finalist)

Omar Alberto Figueroa Turcios-Colombia (finalist)

Marian AVRAMESCU-Romania (finalist)

MohamadHosein Akbari-Iran (Finalist)

Ameen Alhabarah-Saudi Arabi (Finalist)

Ali Shabani-Iran (finalist)

Antonio (toño) Tapia-Peru (finalisat)

Ali Ghanaat Iran (finalist)





Caricature Category:

1st place: a Persian rug, the competition trophy and a certificate of honor.
Eduardo Baptistao-Brazil

Shahab Jafanejad-Iran
2nd place: 7,000 reais, a trophy and a certificate of honor.

MK Raghu-India 
Audience Award: a Persian rug and a certificate of honor.

Luiz Carlos Fernandes-Brazil 
Special Prize: Persian crafts and a certificate of honor.

Payam Vafatabar-Iran (Finalist)

Matías Tolsà Montedoro-Argentina (Finalist)



Alireza Pakdel-Iran (Finalist)

Ivan Mata Tamayo-Spain (Finalist)

Yaser Khanbaray-Iran (finalist)

Omar Alberto Figueroa Turcios-Colombia (finalist)

Ulisses Araujo-Brazil (Finalist)

Quinho Ravelli-Brazil (Finalist)

Mónica Ruiz-Brazil (Finalist)

Hadi Asadi-Iran(Finalist)

Ehsan Soleimani-Iran (Finalist)

Posters Category:

1st place: a Persian rug, the competition trophy and a certificate of honor.
Rosana Amorim-Brazil

2nd place: 7,000 reais, a trophy and a certificate of honor.
Rosana Amorim-Brazil

Audience Award: a Persian rug and a certificate of honor.
Mahmoud Bazdar-Iran

Special Prize: Persian crafts and a certificate of honor.
Luc Descheemaeker-Belgium


Iman Nouri Najafi-Iran (finalist)

Mohammad Pardakhteh-Iran

Hossein vanaki-Iran (Finalist)

Abolghasem Tahanian-Iran (finalist)


Massoud Shojai Tabatabai

Massoud Shojai Tabatabai


Massoud Shojai Tabatabaei  is a prominent Iranian cartoonist and curator with a distinguished international career. Born in Tehr ...

Marcio Leite

Marcio Leite


Born in 1976 in Montes Claros, Minas Gerais, Brazil, Marcio Leite began his career in the 1990s, publishing cartoons, comics, and ...

Massoud Nejabati

Massoud Nejabati


Massoud Nejabati was born in 1967 in Tehran. He completed his bachelor's and master's degrees in graphics from the Faculty of Fin ...




EDRA, Elcio Danilo Russo Amorim / Born in Caratinga, MG – Brazil. - Cartoonist / Cultural Producer / Graphic Design / Journalist ...




Gilmar is a cartoonist, publishes his drawings in newspapers, magazines and books. He is the author of ten comic strip/comics boo ...