National Academy of Fine Arts of Argentina

National Academy of Fine Arts of Argentina

The professor of the UGR, Rodrigo Gutiérrez Viñuales, has been appointed Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Fine Arts of Argentina
The professor of Latin American art of the University of Granada, Rodrigo Gutiérrez Viñuales, has been appointed Corresponding Member for Spain of the National Academy of Fine Arts of Argentina. The appointment, unanimously, was ratified at the last meeting of the aforementioned institution, on October 17 of this year, and is added to the investiture received in 2008 as Corresponding Member for Spain of the National Academy of History of that country.

Rodrigo Gutiérrez Viñuales, a professor at the UGR since 2001, currently teaches the subjects of Contemporary Ibero-American Art and Art History from the Historical Avant-gardes to the Present, in the Degree in Art History, and is the author of nearly 300 studies on Latin American art, including books, chapters and articles.

From the last five years, the following stand out: “Graziano Gasparini and contemporary art. Production, promotion and exhibition between Italy and Venezuela” (Granada, CEDODAL, 2021), “The abode of light. Julio Vásquez Cortés, history of an anomalous collector” (Concepción, Chile, Editorial UDEC, 2022), “Romera. Exile, criticism and history of art in Chile” (Santiago, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2022), “Diagramando la modernidad. Book and graphic design in Latin America, 1920-1940” (Mexico-Santander, RM Editores-Archivo Lafuente, 2023) —to which the Ministry of Culture recently awarded one of the Prizes for the Best Edited Books during the year 2023—, and the catalogue of the exhibition “Before America. Original sources in modern culture” (Madrid, Fundación Juan March, 2023) —these last two with editions also in English—.

He has been the curator of several exhibitions and precisely the aforementioned “Before America” received the EXPONE award for the Best National Exhibition Project of 2023 by the prestigious Association of Museologists and Museographers of Andalusia. Gutiérrez Viñuales is the curator of the exhibition project that is currently (and until the end of November) on display at Casa de América (Madrid), involving three shows: “From Neo to Pop. Contemporary architecture with pre-Columbian roots”, “Alejandro Puente. Amerindian structures and systems” and “Candelaria Traverso. Chakanas”.

He has taught postgraduate courses at several Spanish universities, at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, the Autonomous University of Yucatan and the Michoacana University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo (Mexico), at the national universities of Misiones and the Northeast (Argentina), at Ricardo Palma University (Lima, Peru) and the University of the Republic (Uruguay). He has taught classes and given lectures by invitation at the aforementioned universities, as well as the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) and Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore (United States), Havana (Cuba), Polytechnic (Puerto Rico), Federal de Goiás and State of Sao Paulo (Brazil), Playa Ancha and Talca (Chile), National del Litoral (Argentina), as well as in numerous public and private institutions in Spain, Italy, France, Morocco, the United States, Mexico, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay.