Vision of the Arts in Latin America today

Vision of the Arts in Latin America today

In our Latin America we perceive and verify a situation of inertia, of inaction in the current development of the arts - particularly the plastic arts - where we can see a notable contrast with what their authors executed in other societies on the planet (Mexico, People's China). The verification of the nonexistence of an artistic movement that permeates and stirs the reflective sensitivity of our people is planned. Latin American plastic artists, in the specialty of painting, become pacific and even conformist and continuous, rather than engaging in a dynamic of removing the active and transformative consciousness of society. They are more concerned with exploring their own interior designs, with exercising with icons or symbols of the visual field using even adhesive tapes, or continuing with the technical proposal of the facilities; than for proposing authentic expressive and humanistic changes in contemporary art. The plastic arts must once again be useful and effective activities that lead to the process of integral transformation of our societies.

In our Latin American towns there is a notable absence of interest in valuing artistic products of high reflective category (works of art). It is verified that our people do not attend art halls (galleries, concerts, recitals). Nor are they interested in valuing them in their real dimension. It happens in Argentina, Cuba, Chile, Mexico, Peru, to name only the examples that, as a sample, are focused on in this article.

It can be understood that this is due to the absence of the cultivation of educational paradigms. Likewise, it can be understood that there are other priorities in our towns, such as economic or purely political ones. All of this is understandable in a subcontinent where survival represents the greatest value than any other spiritual and human need.

But, it can also be interpreted, with all verification, that Latin America goes through the common correlation of experiencing the same theoretical management of the socio-economic trend that today spreads throughout the planet: neoliberalism.

Needless to say, the influence exerted by this current, assumed from the political level, is vast and unsustainable, at least until now. One of its influences can be seen, precisely, in the artistic products, in the lives of its authors, in the very march of the artistic current in which it is located and developed.


Removal of consciences and paradigms

Artistic products emerge every day. Every day new artists emerge with new proposals. There is a constant creative dynamic. What is not seen, what is not verified is a qualitatively constructive and active product, which registers the capacity to stir the consciences of observers who do not necessarily understand the matter.

What is not seen is the change of artistic paradigm. There is currently no movement that generates new ideas and proposals that instigate the opening of a new artistic current, in such a way that seeks to stir people's most sensitive reflective fibers. As an example, let us cite current Mexican art where, after the muralist management of the mid-20th century, plastic artists stand out for their technical approaches, in some cases, and for their thematic ease in other cases. Focuses on following lines.

By itself, this artistic paradigm would be incapable of this generative act. It must arise from a social atmosphere shaken to its very core by powerful objectives of integral transformation. More, it can also promote it. He can incite it, he can stimulate it and become one of its most dynamic managers, alongside other movements that are not necessarily cultural, but essentially political and ideological.

What is needed is a thinking, renewing or innovative movement that, from science itself or from reality itself, participates with the clarity of its theory and with essential impact, in the construction or reconstruction of an aesthetic movement, in the plastic arts of our Latin America, possessor of that creative energy that promotes a constructive and comprehensive transformation of attitudes in the members of its societies.
