Summary of Contemporary Art

Summary of Contemporary Art

After the Second World War (1939-1945), a new panorama was characterized by the advance of globalization, mass culture and the development of new technologies and media.

In this panorama, art offers innovative experiences based mainly on artistic processes, to the detriment of the object, that is, on the idea to the detriment of the image.

In this sense, contemporary art prioritizes the idea, the concept, the attitude, above the final artistic object. The objective here is to produce art, while reflecting on it.

This is how Contemporary Art broke with some aspects of Modern Art. It abandoned several paradigms and brought values ​​to the constitution of a new mentality.

At the same time, it opened space for diversity of styles, perspectives, techniques and scope of artistic languages ​​(dance, music, fashion, photography, painting, theater, sculpture, literature, performances, happenings, installations, video art, etc.).

In other words, the shift from the industrial (modern) era to the technological era of Information and Communication (contemporary) has brought about significant changes in the field of culture and the arts.

Note that contemporary art encompasses several values ​​of modern art. Innovations and artistic experiments stand out, as well as the blurring of boundaries between artistic forms.