Exhibition at Sesi has photos of migrants on three continents

Exhibition at Sesi has photos of migrants on three continents

Exhibition addresses physical and symbolic borders with images from Denmark, Lebanon and Curitiba
Sesi Cultural Paraná's cultural exhibition brings together works by artists living in Denmark, Lebanon and Curitiba and highlights some developments arising from the act of immigrating. Exhibition “Crossing the border” brings together photographic works by Tanya Traboulsi (Beirut), Felipe Abreu (Copenhagen/São Paulo), Pedro Vieira (Curitiba) and Lidia Ueta (Curitiba) and will be on display at Sesi until January 5th and will feature with guided tours, in-person and online conversations with participating artists and Libras interpreters in all activities.

Created for the last notice to occupy the spaces of Sesi Cultura Paraná, the exhibition was developed by Ponto de Fuga, a place for promoting projects for reflection in photography and contemporary art with more than ten years of existence in Curitiba. Milena Costa and Kamila Bach are curators and intend, by uniting the works of the aforementioned artists, to question the movement across physical, symbolic and memory borders.

The exhibition addresses the search for new horizons, the memories impeded by the lack of images and the images that construct narratives that sometimes silence, sometimes give voice to the boundaries of each artist. All the artists in the exhibition work with photography and video, reflecting on how a border can be physical, geographic, political or subjective, such as the limitations we face in everyday life.

Whether in a material or symbolic way, the exhibition suggests that something or someone can try to cross these boundaries, as if the word summons us to cross. Tanya Traboulsi, who grew up between Lebanon and Austria, presents the series “Beirut recurring dream,” which reflects in a subjective and poetic way on the reconstruction of Beirut after the port explosion.

Pedro Vieira, in “An(n)a (Maria) (Solt) (Onto) (Sorroche),” reflects on being present in a world that demands that we belong to a nation-state and that we recognize borders. Vieira explores this question based on the life experience of her grandmother, a woman who arrived in South America fleeing the Holocaust at the end of World War II.

Lidia Ueta's humorous images connect us with another space-time, daughter of Japanese parents who migrated to Brazil. The series “Terra Híbrida” portrays a parallel universe inhabited by his family, where the characters cause strangeness in the environment in which they are placed.

Finally, Felipe Abreu, a Brazilian living in Denmark, addresses the issue of immigration and the humanitarian crisis of refugees in his project “Approx. 5036000,” using photojournalistic images to construct a new narrative for widely publicized and stereotypical stories, highlighting the subjects, their pain, journeys and struggles.

The “Crossing the Border” Exhibition invites the public to explore, through the work of these four artists, a territory rich in subjectivities and complexities.

Sesi Cultura Paraná – Crossing the border
Monday to Friday, from 9am to 6pm, with monitoring available from 2pm to 6pm.
FIEP System Cultural Center, Dr. Celso Charuri Unit – Rua Paula Gomes, 270 – São Francisco – Curitiba
Free entrance
On display until January 5, 2024.