The importance of technology in art 2

The importance of technology in art 2

The importance of technology in art 1

A second argument about the importance of technology comes from the fact that the very existence of an artistic discipline is invariably linked to technology. Any form of artistic expression requires a minimum of technology and some instruments, no matter how rudimentary. It is evident that in all cultures the type of art and the level of its expression have a direct relationship with the technological development of said culture.
Masters and MBA b2ap3_large_an-artistic-discipline-is-invariably-linked-to-technology The importance of technology in art

For millennia the traditional arts (music, dance, theater, painting, sculpture, architecture, literature) have been evolving with technology, but we have reached a stage in which technology not only allows new forms of expression of the classical arts, but rather it opens the possibility for the creation of new artistic disciplines, hitherto unknown. The internet, digital manufacturing, nano and biotechnology, self-modification, virtual reality and many other technological advances are opening up new fields of artistic expression that were unimaginable until a few years ago. Technology, therefore, not only makes an artistic discipline evolve, but also enables its birth.

A third argument that weighs the importance that technology has for art is the role that technology plays in its dissemination. Before the 15th century and the invention of the printing press by Gutenberg; literature existed, since we have texts that date back to several centuries before Christ, however, the diffusion of that art was extremely limited, it was that technological element (the printing press) that favored its diffusion and with it the proliferation of literati and writing for an exclusively aesthetic purpose. Not to go too far back to 1980 to read a book you would have to go to the bookstore to buy it and have it physically.

Until the end of the 19th century, to hear a symphony you had to go to the auditorium on the scheduled date and listen to the concert. The phonograph patented by Edison in 1878 allowed for extensive dissemination of musical art among the population. Once again technology playing its role in the dissemination of art. The invention of the cinematograph in 1895 by the Lumiére brothers allowed dance and theater to have a massive diffusion. And so we could go through each of the arts.
Masters and MBA b2ap3_large_the-cinematgrafo-by-los-hermanos-Lumire-allowed-dance-and-theater-to-have-massive-dissemination The importance of technology in art
Importance of technology in art at the current time

Currently, the production and commercialization of the arts has a direct relationship with the Internet, since physical art galleries are no longer as common as before; now artists exhibit their works through an online platform to exhibit their work. This happens in all artistic disciplines such as painting, sculpture, cinematography, photography, graphic design, fashion design, architecture, dance, literature, music, etc.

Let's take as an example the situation that is being experienced worldwide during the pandemic. Non-essential activities have been canceled and, among them, is art. The public is not in a position to visit galleries or museums, however, thanks to the internet we have the opportunity to admire them from home through technology.

We can thus conclude that, although it may seem somewhat extreme, there is no art without technology. The specific forms of expression of each artistic discipline are closely linked to the technology developed in a given era or culture and not only the birth of the artistic discipline and its development, but its dissemination itself depends on technology. Said in a synthetic way, we can conclude that the birth, evolution and dissemination of art, in its different disciplines, are linked to technology.

However, we must be careful not to fall into the extreme of giving almost exclusive value to technology when talking about art. As Diego Levis says “Tools alone do not represent anything, the artist's creativity is needed for a work to have deeper factors”; then we could consider that any skill put into practice and expressed in a creative way with the aim of transmitting a message, can be classified as art and that art, which is the creativity of the human spirit and feeling, always takes technology as a medium in some way. . Technology is just a medium, the expressiveness of the human spirit is the origin of art.
